Welcome to the MBx Interoperability Forum
The MBx Interoperability Forum is a joint testing effort between AFNeT, PDES, Inc. and prostep ivip. The objective of the forum is to accelerate MBx translator development and ensure that users’ requirements are satisfied. The MBx Interoperability Forum is an approach to establish a common test activity in the CAD and CAE areas by merging AFNeT’s, PDES, Inc.’s STEPnet and prostep ivip’s RoundTable activities in this area.
The goals of the MBx Interoperability Forum are to:
- Implement functionality for today’s needs
- Identify functionality for tomorrow’s needs
- Avoid roadblocks by establishing agreed upon approaches
- Increase user confidence by providing system and AP interoperability testing
- Ensure new functionality does not adversely impact existing implementations
The MBx Interoperability Forum is significantly improving STEP translator quality and decreasing translator time-to-market.