Frequently Asked Questions
have at least a prototype STEP translator: an implementation of a postprocessor (STEP import) and/or a preprocessor (STEP export) based on either AP203, AP209, AP214 or AP242.
sign a non-disclosure agreement
have public Internet access for using email and web
attend scheduled MBx Interoperability Forum meetings (four per year)
participate in conference calls (approximately 4 per year) actively collaborate in STEP Interoperability Testing
attend the meetings that are held once every three months sponsored by AFNeT, PDES, Inc and prostep ivip. This is where issues and results are discussed, and implementation agreements are reached.
keep up with e-mail on the exploder. This is where testing procedures are discussed and agreed to and many “fuzzy” areas of the STEP standard are clarified — often with input from the original STEP authors/part owners.